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Your support makes our work to improve public access to essential technology and scientific knowledge possible. Together, we will change the system for the better.
The Public Interest Patent Law Institute (PIPLI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works to ensure the patent system promotes innovation and access for the benefit of all. Most people depend on access to patented technology, but do not actively participate in the patent system even though it concretely affects their lives and livelihoods. This lack of representation prevents the patent system from striking an appropriate balance between private and public interests. The result is inadequate and inequitable access to essential technology in patent-heavy sectors, such as medicine, agriculture, transportation, electronics, and networking.
Our mission is to make the patent system strike this balance more fairly and effectively so that we all have more innovation, competition, and access to knowledge. In service of our mission, we provide pro bono counseling services and education on patent issues, conduct and support evidence-based research, and represent the public’s interest on patent policy matters before federal courts, agencies, and legislatures.