Public Interest Patent Law Institute

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Let’s Talk about Patent Quality

As part of Patent Quality Week, the Public Interest Patent Law Institute and Coalition Against Patent Abuse are hosting a discussion about the ways patents affect our lives and steps we can take to change the patent system for the better.

The patent system is supposed to promote technological innovation and access for all, but low quality patents do the opposite: they chill innovation, prevent competition, and block access to knowledge. The vast majority of us depend on technology, but do not participate in the patent system—among them, open source developers, research scientists, podcasters, and telehealth providers. This lack of representation makes us more vulnerable to the harm low quality patents do. We will talk about the patent system’s impact on the public and the public’s impact on the patent system.

The discussion will be moderated by CAPA’s Matthew Lane and include the following panelists:

  • Tahir Amin, I-MAK

  • Jef Pearlman, USC Gould School of Law

  • Kate Ruane, American Civil Liberties Union

  • Alex Moss, Public Interest Patent Law Institute

Please join us on Tuesday, July 20 from 11am to noon PT/2pm to 3pm ET via Zoom.

Hope to see you there!